Hi there
Re-read the story so that you explore all the angles - a good story has layers which is what makes it worth reading in the first place.
Being a first person narration it is naturally biased to one person's point of view. This has its advantages and disadvantages - it means you get to know the character extremely well but don't really get to explore what other character's think, and this is always very revealing.
In this story the author makes you hunt for the clues - they are there, as the mother lets things slip that give us some idea about her relationship with her daughter.
The title may also refer back to an old adage that you only understand someone when you walk around in 'their shoes' - does this apply to the mother?
I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with:-)
Click here to read more about Michele Roberts and what influences her writing.
Click here to link to an excellent revision site which has an entertaining video about the story, revision of all aspects and essay practice.
Click here for a study guide from Teachit which goes with the story.
Click here for a PDF which has thinking questions for the story.