Saturday, June 13, 2009

EN101 "Of Mice and Men" revision

Hi Yr 11's

I have compiled some useful sites for you which will help you revise. The extended text is an important part of the external assessment and because you know the characters and themes well, it is one that you can really achieve in.
The important thing to remember about your essays is that you need to have some meaty points which dig deeper than superficial comments, which don't really show your knowlege or opinion. It always goes back to the author's purpose and showing how Steinbeck makes us, the reader, understand the ideas in the novel. The how must of course involve you including techniques in your essay, such as symbolism, narrative style, use of imagery, contrast, dialogue, structure etc.

We will be doing a practice essay in class and you can use this post to help you in your study and revision programme of the novel. There is a link to studyit which has tips on how to study extended text and links to previous exam papers. Remeber that you can practice essay writing at any point during the year and should do this to refine your skills - I am always happy to give you feeback on these.

EN201 "To Kill a Mockingbird" revision

Hi Yr 12's

I have put some useful links below to help you revise 'To Kill a Mockingbird' as you will soon be doing a practice essay on an aspect covered in the novel. The BBC website has videos which are of an excellent quality. There is a link to 'quizlet' where you will find revision games and to 'teachit' which has extensive notes on the novel.

Don't forget that you do need to be able to write about the how which are the techniques - this is a must in Yr 12 essays. This could mean that you discuss narrative perspective, the structure of the novel into two parts, use of imagery, symbolism and reference to social, historical or political context.

There is a link to studyit so you can see some practice papers and get tips on how to prepare for this Achievement Standard.

Be inspired!

Be inspired!
Use this image to inspire a description or some poetry.