Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Welcome to the Imaginarium

To all my students
I hope you are going to enjoy your year and give it your absolute best. We'll be busy thinking about and sharing lots of ideas, in all sorts of ways. The most important thing to remember is that your thoughts are just as important as anyone else's so express them then we can all benefit from your wisdom. As the old saying goes: "Many hands make light work" - this is definitely the case with participating in discussions!
I'm hoping that this blog will be a place you can use to help you with English and broaden your knowledge.
Make this year count for you!


Fran said...

but WHATEVER you do dont forget youre APOSTROPHES! :D

Jennifer Hayton said...

Hi Fran

Thanks for this:-) I'll do a special post just for apostrophes - keep an eye out;-)

Peter Park said...

HI. It's Peter. from your english class (but then again you don't know which one until i tell you.) Your Year 10 English class. Just wanted to say HI. Cheerio!

Peter Park said...

Oh... BTW nice blog.

Jennifer Hayton said...

Thanks Peter - great to have the feedback:-)

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